Hey everyone! It seems that the sun is back and that I will, finally, be able to show you more riding outfits!
A couple days ago I shared on my Insta stories (@equestriantrendblog) a sneak peek of the outfit I am sharing with you today. I believe this is one of the prettiest riding outfits I’ve ever put together and I got to take some photos with this cuteness that belongs to one of my barn friends – his name is Caspper!

This polo from MIASUKI is really simple but I like it a lot. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because of the discrete logo or because of the purple stripe on the collar. Or even because of its cut and fabric – there are many things to love in such a simple piece of clothing, it’s almost ridiculous. I guess that sometimes the simpler the better. 
Wearing white at the barn can be a challenge but wearing it at shows for years has taught me how to nail a white outfit without getting it ruined… Well…at least until Caspper decided that it would be fun to sneeze and leave my perfect white polo full of brown spots!! =D

My breeches from Hervé Godignon are very simple as well but the details both on the front and back pockets are the best thing ever. I just wish their fabric was a little different, when I’m wearing them I somehow feel that they are too thin and that they won’t last much but so far they are in great condition. I own another pair of HG breeches and their quality is completely different though. The belt is also from the same brand, I chose a simple brown belt that goes perfectly with the details on the breeches. 
And last but not least, the best socks I have ever tried so far – they are from MIASUKI too. I thought the riding socks I usually wear the most (and that almost everyone wears here) were great but these feature two circles with extra padding in two different parts of the leg:

The weird thing is that those two circles made the difference while I was riding, I wasn’t expecting to feel anything different but I felt way more comfortable and this is why I am so in love with them as I have told you on Instagram.

I can’t remember the brand of Caspper’s headcollar & lead rope but I got them here.
Photos by Carolina Fontes – don’t forget do like her page and to follow her on Instagram (@carolinafontesphotography)! =)
Have a nice week!