Equestrianista Apparel has always been one of my favourite companies, I absolutely love their products and their quality is something that I have never seen before. I can tell you their products are made with love and, of course, Julie, the owner/designer is wonderful. Even their customer service is great!
On this first year, I had the incredible opportunity of reviewing some of their products and they were the first company wanting an ad on the sidebar of Equestrian Trend. Thank you so much for supporting Equestrian Trend!

Now, the giveaway! Equestrianista Apparel and Equestrian Trend have one gorgeous necklace that we want to give to one of you!
To enter this giveaway follow the steps that rafflecopter (bellow) tells you.

Everybody can enter the giveaway and after I announce the winner, he must email his shipping address to equestriantrend@gmail.com.