Getting A New Saddle

A few weeks ago, I bought a new saddle from Butet Saumur so I thought I should share some tips about getting one of the most important things that your horse needs.Getting a saddle is an expensive but necessary investment, specially for horse owners. However, if you...

Veredus Boots Color Edition

Hey everyone, I hope you are having a great week! I have just found something that I seriously need to share with you. Everybody knows that I adore Veredus horse boots, they have been on my wishlist for years (I am not joking, I talk about them here since I began...

Ride Against Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a worldwide movement that was created to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research.To support this cause, during this month Equestrian Stockholm is giving all their costumers 20% off on their rose items and 10% of...

Gina Tricot Equestrian Collection

Before Saturday I didn’t know Gina Tricot, a Swedish fashion chain. They have so many cute clothes, it’s a nightmare! Many of their products are now on my wishlist but the reason why I am talking about the brand is because they have an equestrian...

Equana: Empower Naturally

Hi everyone, Summer holidays are over so me and Galileu are back to more intense training and competition. Because of that and because I believe that his well being is the most important thing, I decided to start giving him natural supplements from Equana.I thought...