
TopZop is a helpful tool that was created to help us braiding our horses. Plaiting is hard and this tool really makes it look easier!It allows you to keep mane under control and it is great to measure each section of mane to get equal size plaits.What makes this mane...

My Helmet Monogram by Personally Preppy

After reading my first post about their brand, Kir and Tate offered me my very own helmet monogram. I wanted a classic style to match my Samshield so I chose the style “two” (see all styles on their etsy store) in black.It arrived really fast (it came from...

Shopping Spree!

I have been buying many equestrian items lately! I bought everything with my own money and I tried to find the best deals.I will also share some stuff my friends gave me! Hope you like it!1. EcoLicious Equestrian ProductsI got these in March and I love them! I bought...