Hey, everyone! As the owner of a grey pony, I’m always searching for the most effective stain removers. I’ve tried sprays from the most well known brands to 100% natural sprays from smaller brands and I’ve shared my thoughts on pretty much all of them here. However, I’ve recently discovered a completely different concept which is this powder stain remover called Super Blue. I was contacted by
Smart Grooming (Spain/Portugal) and they asked if I would like to try something from them so I took a quick visit to their website and this product immediately caught my eye.
Being completely honest, when it arrived I had no idea if
Super Blue would work and the pot seemed too small. The instructions said to mix 1/4 teaspoon (this is NOTHING) with 3 litres of warm water – after reading this my expectations started getting really low, how could such a tiny amount of product work?!
Because it’s not easy to get warm water at the barn, I decided that I would use cold water and because I didn’t have anything to measure the amount of water, I have no idea of how much I used but I’m pretty sure I used more than 3 litres. Also, the water bucket wasn’t 100% clean!
As soon as I dropped the powder this started happening and I promise you I used the tiniest amount just like they recommend on the instructions. Before applying I stirred it well.

I dipped my sponge on the bucket and when I got it out, there weren’t any signs of blue, it looked like I had just used the hose to wet it so, again, I started feeling like it wasn’t going to work at all!
Surprise, surprise…the smaller stains disappeared after the first scrub and the most difficult stains only took a couple more until they were completely gone! Please see these photos:
Everyone at the barn was super impressed. I thought I would save Super Blue for shows but I used it again the day after – did you see my videos on insta stories??
Smart Grooming says it can also be used on their tails to make them white again. I haven’t tried that yet because I completely forgot but I’ll do it soon to see the difference. If that works then Super Blue will become the only product I know that works on tails!
Although I was very skeptical at the beginning, I’m completely sold on this product. The 30g pot goes a long way and I love that it is so different from traditional stain removers.
Hope you had fun reading this post!
See you soon,
Carolina 💙